The Secret is in the Soil - A Beginners Guide to Natural Gardening

The Secret is in the Soil - A Beginners Guide to Natural Gardening

 Ebook Type  PDF File
  Number of Pages 60
  Category FCE Ebooks
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Ebook Description

For Ages 9 & Up.
The soil is the source of life. Often times we simply take soil as just one of the basic ingredients of start up gardening. However, as you know more about the soil, you will discover how it sustains not only plants but millions of micro-organisms, all happily participating in God’s perfect cycle of life. The soil is alive and we should learn to take care of it!
With this book I hope you will see how easy it is to grow things naturally and have some fun while you are at it!
And as you understand how plants should best be grown, I hope this book can also help you make healthier food choices in the future.

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