The Naughtiest Girl Book 1 - The Naughtiest Girl In The School by Enid Blyton

The Naughtiest Girl Book 1 - The Naughtiest Girl In The School by Enid Blyton

 Ebook Type  PDF File
  Number of Pages 130
  Category FCE Ebooks
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Ebook Description

The Naughtiest Girl in the School is the first novel in the The Naughtiest Girl series.
"I won't! I won't!"-Those are Elizabeth's favourite words. Hoping to get sent back home, she tries every trick she knows, and indeed she knows many-breaking rules, being rude and being sternly disobedient. However, she has a heart of gold beneath her bad behaviour, and when she meets a girl with a broken heart, it has strange effects on her.
Elizabeth Allen is a spoilt girl who is the only child of her parents. She becomes very upset and outraged when she learns that she is being sent to a boarding school. When Elizabeth joins Whyteleafe School she is determined to misbehave so that she will be expelled and able to go back home as soon as possible.

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