My Fathers Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett

My Fathers Dragon by Ruth Stiles Gannett

  Ebook Type  PDF File
  Number of Pages 48
  Category CAE Ebooks
  Service Type Download file
  Link Type Google Drive/ Box/ Mediafire
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Ebook Description

My Father s Dragon is a children s novel by Ruth Stiles Gannett about a young boy, Elmer Elevator, who runs away to Wild Island to rescue a baby Dragon. Both a Newbery Honor Book and an ALA Notable Book, it is the first book of a trilogy whose other titles are Elmer and the Dragon and The Dragons of Blueland. 
The narrative mode is unusual, in that the narrator refers to the protagonist only as my father, giving the impression that this is a true story that happened long ago. The other two books in the trilogy are narrated in the third person.

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