Five Little Ducklings Go to Bed

Five Little Ducklings Go to Bed

  Ebook Type  PDF File
  Number of Pages 28
  Category CAE Ebooks
  Service Type Download file
  Link Type Google Drive/ Box/ Mediafire
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Ebook Description

Grade Level: Kindergarten - 3
Age: 4-8 years
It s bedtime for the five little ducklings. The first little duckling says, Okay. It s been a very busy day. The second little duckling says, Come on! Let s go and put our jammies on. But when the fifth little duckling says with delight, I m not going to bed tonight . . . the smooth-running train to bedtime is temporarily derailed. However, a little cooperation from the ducklings and a little love from Mama duck soon set things right for a happy, snuggly night.

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