101 IELTS Reading Past Papers with Answers 2019

101 IELTS Reading Past Papers with Answers 2019

  Ebook Type  PDF File
  Number of Pages 496
  Category IELTS Ebooks
  Service Type Download file
  Link Type Mediafire
  Payment Method Paypal
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Ebook Description

101 IELTS Reading Past Papers with Answers  aims to develop both test-taking skills and language proficiency to help you achieve a high IELTS Reading score. It contains 101 IELTS Reading Tests which were in the real IELTS tests from 2016 to early 2019 and an Answer Key.


Each test contains three reading passages which cover a rich variety of topics and give a lots of practice for a wide range of question types used in the IELTS Exam such as multiple choice questions, short-answer questions, sentence completion, summary completion, classification, matching lists / phrases, matching paragraph headings, identification of information – True/False/Not Given, etc. When studying IELTS with this ebook, you can evaluate at the nearest possibility how difficult the IELTS Reading section is in the real exam, and what the top most common traps are.

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