McGraw-Hills ACT 2011 Edition 6 Practice Tests

McGraw-Hills ACT 2011 Edition 6 Practice Tests

  Ebook Type  PDF File
  Number of Pages 561
  Category ACT Ebooks
  Service Type Download file
  Link Type Box
  Payment Method Paypal


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Ebook Description

ACT is revised and improved for the 2011 edition, giving you more of an edge for when you tackle the exam. It provides sample exams designed to match the real ACT in degree of difficulty, as well as classroom-tested tips and strategies for mastering every question type.
Includes two complete interactive practice tests online in addition to the four tests in the book
NEW! An eight-page Welcome section on "How to Use This Book," "ACT Study Plan," "Getting the Most from the Online Tests," and more.
8-week ACT Training Schedule—plus Emergency Plan in case the test is only days away
Topics include:
Getting Started; Understanding the ACT; Diagnostic Assessment; Strategies and Review; Strategies to Get Your Best Score; ACT English: Strategies/Review; ACT Math: Strategies/Review; ACT Science: Strategies/Review; ACT Writing: Strategies/Review; Practice Tests

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