GRE Vocabulary Flash Review

GRE Vocabulary Flash Review

  Ebook Type  PDF File
  Number of Pages 430
  Category GRE Ebooks
  Service Type Download file
  Link Type Mediafire
  Payment Method Paypal


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Ebook Description

This skill-building guide features the essential GRE words you should master in order to feel confident for the updated GRE Verbal Reasoning measure. A great vocabulary is essential for success on test day, andGRE Vocabulary Flash Review provides just what you need! The perfect companion to any GRE study plan, this book includes sample sentences, synonyms, and a pronunciation key for 600 of the most commonly tested words.
The 600 words in this book are presented in alphabetical order. Each page includes three words: On one side, the words are provided along with a guide to their pronunciation. On the reverse side, definitions, sample sentences, and synonyms are provided for each word. The pages are designed in this way so that you can quiz yourself on the meaning of each word.

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