Proficiency Listening and Speaking Teacher Book

Proficiency Listening and Speaking Teacher Book

  Ebook Type  PDF File
  Number of Pages 60
  Category CPE Ebooks
  Service Type Download file
  Link Type Box
  Payment Method Paypal


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Price 5 (USD)

Ebook Description

Designed for students preparing for the Cambridge exams, each book in this series offers both students and teachers comprehensive support, including revision sections, mini dictionaries and appendices in the students' books, and model answers, photocopiable tests and marking schemes in the teacher's books.


The books can be used either as free-standing supplementary material, or as a complete exam preparation series.


They are designed to develop the essential language skills and sub-skills students need for each exam paper; they also offer specific training and guidance for each part of the exams, with an abundance of practice based on realistic test tasks.

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